Who am I?

Heather is a storyteller with a passion for science, health, history, the environment, and civil and human rights. She's Managing Editor at FranklinCovey, where she launched and manages a newsletter for more than 62,000 global subscribers. She writes about leadership, empathy, and building connection at work.

Previously, she was Lead Writer & Editor for Global Marketing at IDEO, the firm at the forefront of human-centered design. She crafted case studies, thought leadership pieces, newsletters, and internal communications that spanned IDEO's portfolios: healthmobility, education, food, AI, and more

Before IDEO, Heather was Associate Editor at the non-profit environmental law firm Earthjustice. She developed magazine features, infographics, and blog series; oversaw front- and back-of-the-book production for Earthjustice Quarterly magazine; and established the firm’s first fact-checking program.

In January 2013, Heather founded Healthline Media's inaugural news team, managing a four-person, bi-coastal news desk covering healthcare policy and medical research. She set the calendar, developed editorial strategy, and tracked analytics. By 2015, Healthline News attracted 500,000 visitors a month and had syndicated stories to Yahoo Health, Fox, and Business Insider.

Heather’s work has appeared in numerous publications, including AFAR and VIA magazines, Healthline, The New Internationalist, and T: The New York Times Style Magazine. Heather graduated with honors from the University of California, Berkeley. A jewelry maker, dinosaur digger, and occasional archaeologist, Heather is happiest when knee-deep in a project.

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